Our preschool offers a variety of engaging learning activities designed to stimulate curiosity and foster development in a fun and supportive environment.
Preschool curriculum
Staff is responsible for the daily planning and implementation of the children's program, based on the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). The programming and planning takes into consideration the observations of individual children and the children as a group. At all times the weekly program is displayed for parents to view.
We invite and welcome parents to comment or join in the program at any time, all parental comments will be considered and if appropriate implemented by staff and/or parents.
The Preschool educators deliver the Pre-Lit program to children who are in their year before school. Pre-Lit is a skills-based, early literacy preparation program for preschool children. It is designed to compliment a play-based learning environment and provides children with a sound foundation for learning to read.
The Preschool educators deliver a Positive Living skills program to the children to support their social and emotional development and wellbeing. The program has a parent portal which families can access to learn more about the program. The Preschool educators work with other services such as the Western Area Health Service Occupational Therapist to deliver a gross and fine motor school readiness program in the year before school as well as with public and contracted Speech pathology teams to support children to access speech and language programs. Educators then work with children on their specialist speech and language program each week.
Children in their year before school can attend two or three days per week.
Children who are not in their year before school can attend two days per week.
Early Works
Nyngan Preschool uses an online tool called Early Works to document the Preschool program and track the children's learning and development.
Observations of the children and daily journals of the children's learning are stored on this portal. We ask that families create an account and regularly login to see communication regarding their child's learning and development as well as to offer feedback. Please see the staff if you are having trouble accessing your account.
Important notices, community news, preschool newsletters and excursion notes will also be found here.
You can also follow us on social media:
Learning Support Needs
Special consideration will be given to the enrolment and integration into the program of children with high learning support needs. This will be done in consultation with the relevant involved specialists, Director and parents of the child. Children with additional support needs will only be enrolled on days where staff and resources are adequate to support their inclusion.
Behavior guidance
At Preschool we aim to recognise and respect the rights of each individual child, adult, natural resource, piece of equipment and our environment, therefore, limits need to be set or rules made to protect and care for the above mentioned.
Your child's birthday is a very important occasion and we would love to celebrate it at Preschool, this is one excuse we have for having not so healthy food!!
Parents are welcome to send along a simple birthday cake or small individual cakes to be shared after lunch. This can occur at the Pre school session on or near your child's birthday. Naturally parents are welcome to come and share their child's birthday at Pre school. Please keep in mind our Nut Free Policy.
Reporting of suspected abuse
If at any time staff have reason to suspect that a child enrolled at the Pre school is being abused physically, emotionally, sexually, experiencing neglect or are subject to Domestic violence, they will record and date all observations and inform the Department Community Justice.